Control View
With Upoint, you can simply aim your iPhone at where you want the cursor to appear on the Screen, press the Cursor Control (or other buttons), and off you go!
No more need for expensive Presentation Remotes that charge you a lot for technology that's already in your iPhone!
After the App has been set up, and the location of the Screen has been established, Upoint relies on Motion Sensing and Augmented Reality (AR) to continuously measure its own position and orientation relative to the Screen. Since nearby magnets influence motion sensing, magnetic phone cases should be avoided. To fully enable AR, the phone's camera should not be covered.
When the user engages the Cursor Control button, the Upoint Driver is instructed to continuously update the position of the cursor and/or a red dot to follow the point-of-aim of the phone. Just like an on-desk mouse, the user can issue LeftClick and RightClick commands. When the PowerPoint buttons are enabled, commands for SlideForward, SlideBack, and BlankScreen are also at the user's fingertips.
Other buttons visible on the Control View allow the user to change Settings, (re-) establish the WiFi connection, restart the App, etc.

Holding the phone
There are multiple ways to hold the phone when engaging in pointing actions. The recommended way is to hold the phone flat, i.e., in a near-horizontal fashion, as you may typically hold a laserpointer. When held this way, Upoint considers the long axis of the phone to be the direction in which the user is pointing. When held as a camera (either in landscape or in portrait mode), Upoint takes the short axis of the phone as the pointing direction.
Upoint relies on your iPhone's Augmented Reality (AR) and Motion Sensing capability to operate. For example, the 3D position and size of the Screen are determined by relying on these technologies.
For older iPhone models that lack computational power to maintain a credible Augmented Reality (AR) experience, the AR world may on occasion get out-of-sync with the Real World. If that happens, it would feel as if the cursor is "off" from where the user feels they're pointing. For these older iPhones, it is therefore recommended to use the Auto Realign option. In Auto ReAlign mode, Upoint will automatically realign AR and Real World every time the Cursor Control button is pressed, by assuming the user is pointing at the last cursor position when re-engaging cursor control.
For newer iPhone models that have the LiDAR sensor, such as the iPhone 12 Pro, the 'AR drift' hardly ever happens. On the odd chance that it does happen, the user can engage the Manual Realign button. This temporarily halts cursor control, and causes a blue dot to start flashing in the center of the Screen. Pointing the phone at the blue dot and tapping the Cursor Control button allows Upoint to re-sync AR and Real World.

As with as laserpointer, users might find it hard to steady the iPhone to such an extent that small on-Screen buttons etc can be activated. For this reason, the Upoint App also features a FineTune cursor control mode, in which the user can simply use swiping gestures on the iPhone's screen to finetune the position of the cursor.