SlideBack button, visible in CursorControl mode, but only when "PowerPoint buttons" are enabled (see Settings). When in PowerPoint presentation mode, it goes back one Slide.

BlankScreen button, visible in CursorControl mode, but only when "PowerPoint buttons" are enabled (see Settings). When in PowerPoint presentation mode, it blanks the screen

SlideForward button, visible in CursorControl mode, but only when "PowerPoint buttons" are enabled (see Settings). When in PowerPoint presentation mode, it moves to the next Slide.

Cursor Control button, visible in CursorControl mode. When held down, the cursor and/or the red dot on the PC screen will be move along with the point-of-aim of the phone.

LeftClick button, visible in CursorControl mode. When pressed, a LeftClick mouse event will be triggered on the PC that is running the Upoint Driver.

RightClick button, visible in CursorControl mode. When pressed, a RightClick mouse event will be triggered on the PC that is running the Upoint Driver.

Back button, visible in Setup View and in Control View. When pressed, it will return you to the Opening View without any data being lost.

Restart button, visible in Setup View and in Control View. When pressed, Screen data will be removed and you will return to the Opening View.

Information button, visible in Opening View, Setup View, and Control View. When pressed, it will spawn the Information View you're currently looking at.

Settings button, visible in Setup View and in Control View. When pressed, it will spawn the Settings View.

WiFi button, visible in Setup View and in Control View. One green bar means WiFi Connection details were obtained successfully, two green bars indicates that a connection to the Upoint Driver existed but disappeared, and three green bars means the WiFi connection is currently used to communicate with the Upoint Driver on PC or Mac. When pressed, Upoint will try to (re-) establish the WiFi connection.

BlueTooth indicator, visible in Setup View and in Control View. A blue circle means BlueTooth connected successfully. A fully colored symbol means a BlueTooth connection with the Upoint Driver is currently active.

Manual Realign button, visible in Cursor Control mode when Manual Realign is enabled (but Auto Realign is disabled - see also the Settings View). On occasion, Augmented Reality (AR) may get out-of-sync with the Real World. If that happens, the AR Screen will appear 'drifted away' from its Real World equivalent. Pressing this button allows the user to remedy this by aiming the phone at the blue dot that will flash in the Screen's center, and tapping the Cursor Control button.